Team Russia

Oleg Bartunov: «These guys have athletic character»

11:12 AM, 7/4/2022

The head coach of the juniors U18 summed up the results of the training camp that ended today.

- Last club season you were the head coach of Runa Moscow, which finished second in Superleague 1. This is the best result in the history of the club. Nevertheless, you didn't manage to beat Uralmash in the final series. Are you still upset? The title was very close after all.

- I stayed, of course. We always want to achieve the maximum result. We have things to work on, and we will definitely do it. We hope that we can achieve this goal.

- How hard was it to switch to 15- and 17-year-old boys after working at a professional club?

- It wasn't particularly hard. First of all, all the guys worked with glowing eyes. Secondly, to be called up to the national team is always a great honor for everyone.

- The training camp was only 17 days long. Did you manage to accomplish all the planned program?

- Yes. All the tasks we set were performed in full. Plus, we finished the training camp with two friendly matches against the U20 team.

- Were there any specific objectives set for the players?

- Very simple: maximum concentration during all training sessions. So that everyone could assimilate and absorb the new information and get as much out of the training camp as possible.

- What elements of basketball were emphasized?

- We took a general look at what the kids are missing. They are young enough and there are a lot of things they need to work on. We paid attention to early transition tactics, we spent a lot of time on different defensive plays. We worked on their individual skills. But because of not enough training days it was impossible to cover everything.

- How did the team react to the arrival of the head coach of the Russian national team Zoran Lukic?

- Very favorably. Everyone is pleased when the head coach of the national team keeps an eye on such young candidates. But there was no embarrassment - everyone worked as usual with full dedication.

- What was included in Lukic's programme at the U18 training camp?

- It was limited to one day, but it turned out quite extensive. Lukic visited both training sessions of the team. Plus we had a talk, we talked about basketball stuff, we discussed the candidates for the Under-18 team.

- How well do you communicate with the coaching staff of the national team?

- We met before the training camp started, we talked a few times on the phone. Zoran said he would always be available for help and advice. It is great that the coaching staff of the national team is very open. In this sense there are no problems.

- At the end of the training camp the team played two friendly games against the U20 juniors. And both were defeated. What conclusions did you draw after those games? What problems have they revealed?

- Each defeat always gives us more food for thought than any victory. Despite the fact that the boys are younger, they did not want to concede by a wide margin. But the older ones, of course, are better equipped technically. Plus the difference in physical development, despite being one or two years old, plays a big role. The level of athleticism in modern basketball is very important. That's why after the training camp we admonished the guys to pay much attention to their physical preparation.

- In the course of the first game your team was leading by 28 points, but managed to break the course of the struggle and as a result lost only "-6". Why?

- We changed our defense a little bit. Plus we explained to the guys at halftime: In spite of the fact that you play with your seniors, you have to have respect outside the court. And we have to play hard. That's exactly what we all have to face in the game of adult basketball where nobody feels sorry for anybody. And they heard us and they took into account and because of that they played hard and played well on defense and were able to cut the lead.

- Were you, as a head coach, satisfied with the outcome and content of the game?

- There's always something that can be improved. But at this point it was hard to do anything. Plus, again, the age difference left its mark. True, we tried not to focus the players' attention on this.

- Why could not you give battle in the second game?

- First of all, fatigue had an impact. Plus our opponents made some adjustments. They were very aggressive both on offense and defense for the whole 40 minutes. They put a lot of pressure on the ball, which led to a lot of our losses and easy scoring in the fast break.

- Your team had two MVPs of the Russian Championship at the end of the season. But only Vadim Shirinkin took part in those games. Why didn't Timofey Vashchenko play?

- He had to leave the team for health reasons. Vadim played great, he took on a lot, was aggressive. I have only positive words to say about him. As for all the other campers.

- Separately, based on the results of the training camp do you want to single out anyone?

- No. There may be some relaxing mood, which will not allow the guys to develop further. And those who I would forget to single out could take it the wrong way. I just want to thank everyone for coming here and working with a lot of dedication. We hope for their further progress and will keep an eye on each of them next season.

- What qualities did the guys demonstrate at the training camp?

- I think that the main ones are the presence of internal strength and character. When it was hard, when the workload is heavy, when the opponent is older and exerts pressure, they showed their best side. It was clear that each of them is different. They fought to the maximum of their abilities, for which each of them thanks a lot.

- Are there any players on the team who can play in the upcoming season and make a strong statement professionally? Or is it too early to talk about it?

- I think it's too early. They are quite young. And not all of them had ever met the requirements that were offered by our coaching staff and that they will have to meet in the future. There are interesting and promising guys. But in order to grow into professional players they still need to work and work.

- What are the main results of the training camp?

- We saw who is what under pressure, what sides are manifested. We looked in perspective as far as everyone corresponds to his position. We got a lot of information from the players themselves. And gave them maximum recommendations to work on for the future.

- When does the new season start for you?

- The first days of August. The team will gather, pass the medical examinations and start training. But even though the junior training camp is over, one or two days will pass and the coaches need to start preparing for the next season.

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